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Cemetery Websites — Database Search

The database search page allows the public to perform genealogic searches by entering either full names or a few letters of the last and/or first name. When the search is initiated, the results displayed are a list of matching names with dates of birth, death and burial. The image below shows a query from the Grove Hill Cemetery website.

Please click above to see the search results on the website.

Please click above to see the details page from the search.

The image above shows the details after the viewer choses a name and clicks on the "View" button. The left part of the details page provides the location of the grave within the cemetery, dates of birth, death and burial. It also provides the type of monument and the funeral home. The area to the right lists burials on the same deed, which most often are relatives of the first inquiry.

A print friendly version of both the search results and the details page are available.

Loving Honors, Inc. P.O. Box 1021 Danville, KY 40423 Toll Free: 866-877-4625 Local: 859-236-0099